About Me

(in about 127 words)


Hi there! I'm Xiao, currently a medical student in Prague. If anyone's even reading this, welcome! :)

Some fun facts about me

  • I have social media accounts but don't use them anymore.
  • I took three semesters of Sanskrit for fun in college.
  • I once won second place in a pun competition in San Francisco (there were only two people competing that day).
  • I once got lost while running a half marathon.
  • I've had LASIK surgery for myopia.
  • I learned to ski in 2021/2022 and I'm still learning to like it.
  • I first tried bouldering and climbing in 2018 but was too paralyzed by fear of heights; I started liking it since 2022.

Ask me in person for other stories that I'm hesitant to share with the internet.